...a DECISION WORKSHOP is not static in time. As the PROBLEM STRUCTURE gets clearer, discoveries in later stages might change what has been discussed in the initial ones.

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People tend to follow a decision analysis process linearly, which deprives the decision makers of updating their frame and alternatives based on the insights from the qualitative and the quantitative analysis.

Decision makers and stakeholders will discover new ideas and perspectives throughout the decision analysis process. These discoveries might even lead to the cancellation of the whole process. An alternative might not be feasible anymore, or a decision that was stated as a given on the decision hierarchy might actually add a lot of value if changed and therefore might be brought in scope. In other words, a decision analysis process is an evolving understanding of a decision situation pieces of which can change at any point in time.


  • Keep in mind that any sub-process can be revisited in the decision analysis process. Based on the findings, if it requires challenging the frame, then do it.
  • On the other hand, be careful not to end up in an endless process of revising the frame and stop at a point when there are diminishing returns of spending extra time.

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